Room orange

Room orange 2009, wax, chipboard, plasterboard, 2,40m x 2,07m x 2,07m, photo Marie Madlen Weber
Room orange 2009, wax, chipboard, plasterboard, 2,40m x 2,07m x 2,07m, photo Andreas Schleippmann
Room orange 2009, wax, chipboard, plasterboard, 2,40m x 2,07m x 2,07m, photo Andreas Schleippmann
Room orange 2009, wax, chipboard, plasterboard, 2,40m x 2,07m x 2,07m, camera Janis Willbold, actors Emily Beinhauer und Stefanie Kramer, music Bradbury - off
“Room Orange” is an accessible room whose floor, ceiling and interior walls are completely lined with wax. The room is based on the principle of change and transformation: In the beginning the interior wax walls are even but during the exhibition the walls´ surface is changing in different ways due to the visitors who touch and mould the wax. The recipients´ active participation and the resulting sensual experience are supported by the room´s light setting: The visitor is entering a haven of warm orange which is only illuminated by the daylight that falls through the narrow entrance slit. The waxen interior registers each impact because of the visitors´ body warmth and is thus like a document to the visitor which tells him about his predecessors. The walls become a snapshot of a process with an indefinite ending. (An excerpt of a text by Joseph Guggenberger)