My Room

my room 2009-2011, diverse material, 400 cm x 280 cm x 250 cm,
photo Andreas Schleippmann

my room 2009-2011, diverse material, 400 cm x 280 cm x 250 cm,
photo Andreas Schleippmann

my room 2009-2011, diverse material, 400 cm x 280 cm x 250 cm,
photo Andreas Schleippmann

my room 2009-2011, diverse material, 400 cm x 280 cm x 250 cm,
photo Andreas Schleippmann

my room 2009-2011, diverse material, 400 cm x 280 cm x 250 cm,
photo Andreas Schleippmann
“One can crash everything in every way, still things will remain.” (Hartmut Böhme)
All the items of the room I am living in are transformed into fragile shells during a multistage procedure of decomposition and moulding.
Initially textiles, as curtains, bedding, towels, present in the room are torn and ground. After adding water the pulp is used to coat all clothes in the room. Next, the clothes are taken out of their sheathings and are ground, too, becoming themselves sheathings for the room´s books. Subsequently the books are shredded to envelop the room´s furniture. In the end the smashed furniture covers the room´s floor, ceiling and walls.
Finally all items in the room have lost their old materiality and thus their function and their value. Just shells of their former shape remain.